“Tommy” off for a ‘straightener’?

Matthew Collins - 09 06 12

Humiliating day really for both the EDL and the BNP. Only 436 EDL supporters went to Rochdale, and under 50 people turned up in Blackpool to listen to Nick Griffin trying to cash in on what is left of an ugly situation there.

Word is rife on the internet that Stephen Lennon, who leads the EDL using the name Tommy Robinson and who has made plenty of threats to “slap” Nick Griffin, is making his way to the Tangerine Club in Blackpool where it is alleged that BNP security staff have roughed up an EDL supporter.

Whether he does or not, remains to be seen, but the people over at “EDL News” are reporting that Nick Griffin has left the Tangerine Club in somewhat of a hurry while his new found friends, the “Infidels” seem to be looking forward to the EDL arriving.


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