Would you let this man near your children?

Matthew Collins - 22 10 12
Molloy: Do the social dedcut his hours wasted with Nazis from his payments?

Molloy: Do the social dedcut his hours wasted with Nazis from his payments?

Here is Pete Molloy of the BNP with the wannabe terrorists of the Combined ex-Forces group. The CxF have a habit of making threats to kill, both to the Prime Minister David Cameron and to the police.

It’s rare you get to see Molloy without his old army beret on, allegedly because he gets teased by the bigger boys in the BNP because of his hair.

Given the behaviour of the BNP of late, and the ongoing threats to both the Prime Minister and the police in this country by their close friends in the CxF, one does have to wonder whether it is right that Pete Molloy is allowed anywhere near impressionable teenagers.

And yet Molloy, who hangs out with wannabe terrorists and racists, has been appointed “drill sargeant” for the Armt Cadet Force detachment in Spennymoor, County Durham.

Questions should, and will, be asked.

ACF: Molloy keeps his picture off line

ACF: Molloy keeps his picture off line


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