Burglar steals whole National Front branch

Matthew Collins - 19 11 12
Biggs: He stole the Nazis from the Nazis

Biggs: He stole the Nazis from the Nazis

Since it was formed in 1967 the National Front has suffered no less than twenty splits. Some were ideological, most were personality driven and some were quite hilarious. Take the latest trouble to befall the party: Their North East of England branch has left the main rump to form their own breakaway group ingeniously called Northern Patriotic Front.

The problem is, although the group started to act “autonomously” of the main party back in August of this year, they forgot to tell party headquarters they were doing so, only informing them officially at the beginning of this month that they would not be able to play the party’s drums on a march.

The leader of the NPF is convicted serial burglar and racist attacker Simon Biggs. Biggs was drafted into the NF in 1991 after leaving prison, in the hope the party would put him on the “straight and narrow”.

Two years later, he was with another current NF member (but then the BNP’s deputy leader) Richard Edmonds, when the pair carried out a vicious racist attack on a mixed race couple.

Biggs split from the NF because he wanted to run around with the EDL, Infidels and Kevin Watmough. When the NF leadership were asked after his whereabouts at their tiny Remembrance Parade, Party Chairman Ian Edward told the inquisitor that Biggs had “stolen the Newcastle and North East of the party”.

That’s one victimless crime, finally, for “Biggsy”

NPF: It's a steal

NPF: It’s a steal


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