EDL Not Allowed To March In Tower Hamlets

Matthew Collins - 04 09 13

The Metropolitan Police have told the English Defence League that they will not be allowed to enter Tower Hamlets this weekend.

The EDL had planned to march from London Bridge to Whitechapel Road, however the police have told them that their march poses a real threat of disorder.

They are now only permitted a restricted march in an area away from the borough and will only be allowed half an hour to hold a static protest in Aldgate.

The march has to follow a defined route, starting south of Tower Bridge, along The Minories and Aldgate High Street and not go beyond the corner of Mansell Street.

Chief Superintendent Jim Read said: “The communities have made it clear to us the impact that groups expressing extreme views has upon them. We have listened to those concerns, and we will keep working with all our communities.

“We accept that the EDL, and any counter protest group, have a right to protest. That right must be balanced against the right of people to go about their day without fear of violence, disorder or disruption.

“These conditions prevent EDL from entering the heart of Tower Hamlets, residential areas and religious premises which would have been unnecessarily intimidating and likely to cause disorder and disruption.”

A counter demonstration is also being allowed to take place in Whitechapel.


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