Under the NF, the trains will NOT run on time!

Matthew Collins - 21 04 15
Kev Bryan: No amount of alcohol will mend this failed Fuhrer's heart

Kev Bryan: No amount of alcohol will mend this failed Fuhrer’s heart

I know it is an old joke about fascists making the trains run on time, but it seems our domestic fascists would be incapable.

Much has been made (by me) of late, of the lying and illiteracy of the National Front (NF).

Their Fuhrer Kevin ‘Kev’ Bryan is having some trouble in getting his election address to the post office on time for distribution to the electorate in Rochdale.

Oops: He's realised

Oops: He’s realised

So, desperate Kev has had to make an urgent appeal to get his hate mail off to the Royal Mail. He’s even got people leaving work at the chippy early to get over to his house to help him do the job right.

It makes you wonder how these people really would function in government, or, how do these idiots even manage to tie the laces on their large boots.

Forget the chips: Let's help the dips

Forget the chips: Let’s help the dips

He cannot get his leaflets done on time, but Kev did manage to get ejected from the hustings the other night after turning up uninvited. Perhaps he should have been at home sorting out his election materials?

I get the impression he will fail. Plus, there’s always the question as to whether the postal workers will even want to deliver a load of racist junk, anyway.

Shove it in an envelope Mrs Watmough

Shove it in an envelope Mrs Watmough


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