In Schools

The HOPE Education Fund

HOPE not hate’s groundbreaking research in recent years has shown that our nation is divided. We are increasingly riven by anger, while simultaneously becoming more and more exposed to far-right memes and messages online. This has created a fertile recruitment ground for the far-right, and our young people are particularly at risk.

That’s where the HOPE not hate Education Team comes in. Our fantastic education team are in schools all over the UK, every single day, teaching young people about the dangers of the far-right, and what they can do to counter them.

We are already incredibly effective – with a small yet impactful team, we have spoken to 18,523 young people in the last year, in 109 different schools. We use state of the art data and polling practices to work where young people are most at risk, and that’s where we go.

We’ve launched the HOPE Education Fund, our monthly payment scheme for supporters, with the help of some incredible patrons because we need to put this work on a more sustainable footing. We currently provide this service to schools for free, and we are desperate to keep it that way, but without more financial certainty we won’t be able to guarantee it.

By becoming a member of the HOPE Education Fund today you can support that work – helping us to reach hundreds of students, and hopefully to grow our project to reach hundreds more – by setting up a monthly direct debit.

Support schools and teachers – join the HOPE Education Fund now.

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