Paul Weston: He’s Back

Matthew Collins - 05 02 13
Paul Weston

Paul Weston

At the start of the year my colleague Matthew Collins wrote about the resignation of the BFP leader Paul Weston.

Weston claimed he was standing down as leader of the BNP splinter as he was in the process of writing a book.He told the BFP’s website “I am writing a book about the current dire state of Britain, which is going to take up the majority of my time over the coming months, and I feel it would be better for British Freedom to be led by someone who can devote more time to the party.”

Well either it was a very short book or the diminutive far right leader is a liar as Weston is back and is planning yet another foray into politics.

He is intending to register the name of a new political party with the Electoral Commission along with a launch of a new party website. Weston claims his party is aimed at the “patriotic vote” which is far right code for racist and bigoted votes.

Weston intends to launch his new party on March 1st, much to the annoyance of his one time political comrades in the BFP.

Paul Weston’s political track record isn’t a good one and with the number of “patriotic” parties increasing on a daily basis it is unlikely Weston will be taken seriously by the far right, let alone the voting public.



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