Even God would bore of this trier

Matthew Collins - 14 08 14
Lennon: A kind of Robin Hood type..

Lennon: A kind of Robin Hood type..

For a complete run down of the political life and disasters of Paul Weston, try here and here. He has made me laugh, no end.

However, despite downing large quantities of alcohol at a meeting with Britain First recently, nobody else wants to work with him. Far be it for me to wonder whether a certain British First leader was on the verge of accusing Weston of “staring” at his “bird” etc, etc. Whatever happened he got short shrift, did not pass go and collect £200, nor did he get a binbag.

However, they do say God loves a trier and Weston will not give up. Today Weston has been trying to convince his old friend and drinking buddy Stephen Lennon, the founder of the car park attendants of the English Defence League (EDL), to stand for election for Paul’s tiny party in Luton next year.

Desperate: Weston's been on the Pimms again..

Desperate: Weston’s been on the Pimms again..

It’s a bit sad for Weston as Lennon (he still uses his criminal name “Tommy Robinson”) has obviously not given Paul his latest phone number.

I’m not even sure with all of his convictions whether Lennon can even stand for parliament.

Still, if Lennon does want to fall under Weston’s wing again, he could ask his cousin Kevin Carroll (remember him?) about the last political venture he went on with Weston. It was a delight

Weston with Kev Carroll: Fags and specs etc, etc

Weston with Kev Carroll: Fags and specs etc, etc

Let’s hope Lennon does stand and it is a law and order ticket. That would restore the fun to politics again…


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