Below is an archived edition of Ctrl Alt Right Delete, a weekly email newsletter. This edition was published on 07/30/2017. Members of Factual Democracy Project have access to past editions. Subscribe to Ctrl Alt Right Delete

Kickstarter Update

Last week I announced some big news: Factual Democracy Project, a home for my newsletter and expanded content. My first project under this new organization is a speaker series of hour long calls, three for the public, and three exclusively for founding backers — bringing together experts in media, technology, civil society, and national security.

A few quick updates:

One week in and we’re 17% to goal. A solid start, but I still need your backing to be fully funded. Can I count on your support?

Just 23 days to go! Back the Ctrl Alt Right Delete Kickstarter Today

Five #MAGA Trends This Week

  • continuing trend: The Frog Squad didn’t care about health care repeal. Arguably, it’s been the biggest news story of the past two weeks, but you’d never have known it from reading #MAGA media and social media. At most, they’re using it as a way to bash Republicans for not doing the “God Emperor’s” (yes, really, they call him that!) bidding, but until Friday they only seemed to manage tepid outrage for that.
  • Trump’s weird passive-aggressive dick fight with Jeff Sessions is breaking their brains, however. Right wing media are, for the most part, coming to Sessions’ defense. Trump’s groupies over at “The_Donald” subreddit don’t know what to think. The best they’ve come up with is that Trump and Sessions are playing some kind of 4D chess that mere mortals like the rest of us simply can’t understand.
  • Speaking of schisms, Anthony Scaramucci–in his first week on the job–has already shown himself to be another wedge. The Mooch’s late-night confessional to reporter Ryan Lizzaproved instantly divisive. Breitbart did not appreciate the way he went after Steve Bannon and devoted most of its front page real estate on Thursday to trashing the Mooch, but his antics played far better on #MAGA Twitter and over at “The_Donald” subreddit, where they applauded his style and attacks on Reince.
  • But who has time to focus on trivial things like health care, The Mooch, or our “beleaguered” attorney general when there are fresh Debbie Wasserman-Schultz conspiracy theories to obsess over? The inevitable Phase 3 of any news cycle (as defined by Charlie Warzel) that’s bad for Trump is here. A former Democratic IT staffer was arrested for bank fraud this week, and DWS is involved. The story has been percolating in right wing land much of this week, and on Thursday, the Tweeter-in-Chief himself weighed in, retweeting a Townhall piece accusing traditional media outlets of burying the real story.
  • Finally, Trump’s sudden ban on transgender troops serving in the military was wildly popular with the Frog Squad. They loved that it upset liberals, that it apparently will force Democrats to move back towards social issues. They loved the chaos that it created. It wasn’t something anyone was calling for really, but Trump’s Army will always support him using government to bully or humiliate others. It’s what they love most about their guy. Trump can pick a new group of people to bully any time, and his base will enthusiastically join the mob.

Goodbye Reince, Hello Mooch

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Want even more links? Be sure to like the Ctrl Alt Right Delete Facebook page. I post articles there all week. A lot of what doesn’t make it here will get posted over there.


One more plug before I go: Back the Factual Democracy Project Kickstarter today!

As always, thank you to Nicole Belle for copy editing Ctrl Alt Right Delete every week.

Farewell, #AltSpice


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