Clive keeps upsetting people

Matthew Collins - 06 04 12
LInda Kitchen: Her films are not Clive's cup of tea

LInda Kitchen: Her films are not Clive’s cup of tea

Say what you want about Clive “Rodney” Jefferson and his extraordinary talent for not getting much done at the BNP, but fresh from getting rid of Mark Walker, he’s also apparently stopped two people from standing as candidates for the party.

Former Yorkshire regional organiser Ian Kitchen and his wife Linda have not always been the most popular in the party. Linda was being lined up to help organise the BNP “family festival” the RWB (Red, White and Blue) last year when we exclusively revealed Linda had other interests .

One organiser stormed off out of the party citing her and her husband’s activities as the “final straw” for them.

Having recently slipped quietly back into BNP life (they musty have made donation) the Kitchens’ were by all accounts surprisingly absent from the recent BNP fundraiser in Leeds.

We understand that they are none too happy with being told by Clive that they could not stand in the forthcoming council elections in Wakefield as they would be “ammunition for Hope Not Hate”. (How nice!)

They will have missed sitting next to Paul Cromie (the former BNP councillor in Bradford who now sits as an independent) who made a surprise appearance at the fundraiser. Probably best that they did not sit next to Cromie anyway, he’s not the safest pair of hands with “sensitive” material according to sources in the BNP security team who also like to film themselves in flagrante

Jefferson: Dresses like 'Noddy' but didn't give the nod.

Jefferson: Dresses like ‘Noddy’ but didn’t give the nod.


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