Exclusive: Sectarian killer joins BNP for Belfast flag protest

Matthew Collins - 12 01 13
Glen Kane, convited secatarian murderer

Glen Kane, convited secatarian murderer

Here’s Glen Kane, the convicted sectarian murderer representing the BNP at the ongoing flag protests in Belfast.

Many Unionists have been concerned that the BNP would try and hijack their protest after it emerged that former BNP man Jim Dowson has already pushed himself to the front of the argument.

The BNP knows full well that Kane was convicted of causing the death of a Catholic man in 1992 during a sectarian riot. He was among a group of men who battered 35-year old Catholic man Kieran Abram to death.

Sources inside the BNP confirm that Kane is a member of the party and has been a regular at BNP events, and has met Nick Griffin.

Abram was battered to death by the group outside of a bar in the early hours of the morning. Kane was sentenced to nine years in prison after pleading guilty to manslaughter.

Having a sectarian killer in the BNP’s ranks will not bother Griffin or the BNP too much. Griffin has been desperate to promote his own hatred of Irish Catholics of late.



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