Hairdresser on fire

Matthew Collins - 17 12 13
She now owns Scotland: NBU announces another shirt sold

She now owns Scotland: NBU announces another shirt sold

The New British Union (NBU) is the oddest and sickest of groups on Britain’s far-right. It’s a group that actively encourages its members to dress up like a bunch of clowns and parade about like the high street is their bedroom mirror, as opposed to other groups that prefer their members to do that sort of thing in the privacy and seclusion of their own home.

Membership of the NBU seems to be limited to those of even more limited intelligence than other groups on the far-right, so you get a (un)pretty picture of the sort of group it is.

In Scotland the group is led by Jodie Muncie, a hairdresser from the picturesque town of Sanquhar in Dunfriesshire. She also uses the name Patricia Crosbie to spare her parents any further embarrasment. Because, even though Jodie advocates genocide for non-whites and Jews, she still has the decency to spare her mother and father any blushes.

Jodie made the local newspaper recently and was accused of all things, of being a rotten racist.

Well, judging by her reaction, the media do sometimes get it right…

Rant: Muncie rants against the media for calling her a racist

Rant: Muncie rants against the media for calling her a racist


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