Is he feeling unloved, or just stupid?

Matthew Collins - 07 08 13
Never mind: Never mind the spelling, feel the love..

Never mind: Never mind the spelling, feel the love..

Time is a great healer, allegedly. A fortnight has passed since Paul Prodromou, posing as Paul Pitt, the leader of the South East Alliance (SEA), promised tens of thousands of people would join his fascist march against terrorism through south London.

The actual day was an unsurprising disaster for the tiny band of drunks that turned up, first in Croydon, then in Woolwich.

Despite promising to march nine miles, the group of around sixty actually marched some 200 yards only, before jumping onto a train instead.

Since then, Prodromou has apparently been feeling a little low. But never fear, it seems his nearest and dearest have set up a facebook page to celebrate his greatness, “even if it means standing alone”. No, it’s not irony or parody, even his wife has gone on there to like the page.

Apparently the march also failed to stop terrorism.


Who loves you, baby? Only Mrs Prodromou by the looks of it

Who loves you, baby? Only Mrs Prodromou by the looks of it


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