New kids on the block…

Matthew Collins - 18 01 15
Wales: Your commander awaits

Wales: Your commander awaits

Good news for the people of Wales. Britain First have returned to bring more shame upon your nation. If it wasn’t bad enough them standing in Wales last year and upsetting the family of Lee Rigby, they’ve now pounced on library closures to secure the services of Cory “Tewks” Tewksbury, who has now been christened the “Commanding officer” of Wales.

Tewks: Hungry?

Tewks: Hungry?

Yes, roll over both William and Harry Windsor. Cory is going to blow a big scoobie and free the Welsh people from the dangers of Islamic tourism.

Tewks: He will be soon

Tewks: He will be soon

The teenage boys at National Action have finally found an Eva Braun character to buy their bottles of cheap cider. Bryony Burton appears to be the mother of all Nazis for the moment.

Bryony Burton: Or is it...?

Bryony Burton: Or is it…?

I guess we’ll be bringing more about her (and including her real name) soon. As for NA’s leader, Ashley Bell, if he does not get rid of those flares, knives and facemasks from under his bunkbed in Garforth, Leeds, he’ll be in a lot of trouble with Tiffany’s parents. And if Tiffany was thinking of hiding them at work…. think about the kids first, love.

Bell: Not really a Tommy, either

Bell: Not really a Tommy, either


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