The return of John Riley..

Matthew Collins - 16 07 13
John Riley: Women fight over him, allegedly

John Riley: Women fight over him, allegedly

Readers may recall back in April a blog we did regarding one John Riley of Sunderland. Riley was a lead figure in the EDL splinter group, the English Volunteer Force (EVF).

Riley was also involved in the rather scandalous shop in Sunderland that portrayed itself as a Help For Heroes outlet, when in fact, it was just a shop front for racists.

Riley disappeared from the “scene” in May when his then lover, Pam Brannigan, of the Sunderland shop scam, accused Riley of terrorising her and her children, leading to death threats from outraged far-right activists directed at Riley-who denied the accusations.

Now Riley is back. And this time he is with Brannigan’s former best friend, Deborah Jemson. Who’s running the shop while all of this is going on is anyone’s business.

Riley, Brannigan and Jemson are all heading to Birmingham with the EDL this weekend, and it appears, there is more than a little bit of personal business to sort out.

The supposed hard man Riley, who once published lots of instructions on his facebook pages on how to bomb, kill or maim individuals, has now got the new love of his life fighting his corner for him.

Let’s hope that her fighting is one of her better talents.

In the right corner: Jemson and Riley

In the right corner: Jemson and Riley


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